I like women like I like my code: fast, tight & easy!

Posts tagged “xas ace abs

New Video!!

First test of the water dungeon for the game.

Testing some new effects out as well: Stepping sound effects like water and climbing up and down ladders properly.

It’s that time again!

I Have gotten a lot done over the past month.

Finished all the dungeon layouts and puzzles for the light world.  The only thing that remains for them are mobs and bosses.

I have started work on the dark world now as well.  Made the tilesets for the first 2 dungeons.  and dark world itself.  even made a few maps.

It is starting to look more and more like a full blown game.  Currently there are 156 total maps in the game.

I will leave you all with a bunch of eye candy now.

Quick pic

Finished the desert dungeon.  Just need to finish populating it with mobs.

Figured I would start the next dungeon.

The tower of Hera:

New pics!!!

Took 2 days to create this madness.  Still needs some fine tuning, but the layout is pretty much good to go.

In game pics

And for comparison purposes this is what the original area looked like.  As you can see ditching the old map was well worth it.  The new area is over twice the size as the original.

Village pic updates

Pic updates of village because someone asked to see them

(old village)

(New village)

The scale is huge compared to the original!!  It feels so much nicer in game!

and a couple in game pics

Big Changes A Coming

I have done a ton of work on making the game feel more like a zelda.

Enemies and plants will now randomly drop hearts, magic or money (this required some code fixing due to a few bugs in Xiderowng’s script, made a few modifications to it as well to allow  a way to control variables upon enemy deaths)

Bottles have been added, need to write code to manage the potion/magic system still.  (not gonna be fun)

The secret fairies will be in the game as well and will give you magic spells.  fire and ice which will be used for puzzle solving or combat if you want.

Bow and arrow, bomb, boomerang, lens of truth are all up and running.

Undecided about magic dust right now.  You can get it but not sure if I will be able to make it work or not.

Write the code for switching between light and dark worlds with an item.

Undecided if I want to add fairies and bugs in the game or not.  Currently when you try to get the net from the sick boy he tells you he has lost it somewhere on his last adventure.

I am going to stay with the RPG level system rather than a total heart health system like zelda.  This will be the big difference that will separate the 2 games.  You will still collect heart pieces through out the game however for every 4 you collect you will gain a level.  All code written, tested and up an running.

Added in Woratana’s fog system into the game for some pretty cool effects.

The story will be pretty much the same.  names and place have been changed to protect the innocent.

I decided this morning since I have been awake since around 1230 this morning I am going to completely scrap the main world map and start from scratch.  The scale of the original just felt way to small.  After crunching numbers I came up with a winner.  Instead of 1 big world map, I am going to divide it up into approx 45 different maps.  and double the size of it all.

Here is an in game screenshot for comparison purposes.


As you can see the scale of the game is going to be a lot bigger.  of course this is gonna add mass loads of development time.  But will be worth it.

You may also notice I have added wild life into the game now as well:  (birds, rabbits, frogs, horses)  And yes, you can kill them as well.

Few more pics of Legend of Kuvo


(random door in mountain??  most look into that)



The first dungeon if officially complete and fully bug tested!!!

Bug Stomping

I added in more of the main quest this afternoon.

And for those that are wondering. The main quest has totally changed in this game. I have not ditched my original idea. I have new plans for that. I have been looking a lot into kickstarter funding and I am considering start a project through it after this is complete. The new story might seem somewhat familiar to some, but then what story has not been played to death already? Most stories are just some form or variation of something that was written 10/20 years ago anyways or plays on the same concepts as a story before it.

I also started playing through the game as well from the start to try and catch more bugs. (rarely do I do this, normally just play test the new areas) Surprisingly I have not encountered any game ending bugs yet. Most of what I ended up fixing were graphic glitches. I changed a couple things around so you can’t end up in the third town of Lame by accident. The town has important story stuff related to it. I could build 2 different towns for it, one for the main story and one for just fun/side quests, but that would clash somewhat with the main story since events took place at the town 3 months ago before you arrive in it. Easier to make the town off limits than rebuild the main story.

Anyways I am rambling right now. Kind of bored. Think I will take my puppy for a car ride and crash a BBQ some where.



Townsfolk have been petrified

New pics!



Remodeled Town

Today I spent a little more time adding quests into the first town and remodeled it.  I also made a few tweaks to the weather system.  Using V.M of D.T’s  weather script now modified to work with my weather events that add lightning, and towns folk who go inside events when it rains.   Awesome combination here!

This is a pic of the starting town Port Talis.



(remodeled with weather effects)



Starting point

this is where the game starts

I have started tying together a lot of the maps I have done and am now working on adding cut scenes.  First area is starting to come along nicely.

The story is completely different but much better I think.  Will not spoil it however.



Mad Skillz!!!!

Check out these mad skillz!