I like women like I like my code: fast, tight & easy!


New Battle System Test

Thought I would check out a new battle system for use on a project that is running through my head

This is a test of it

Falcao Pearl ABS liquid V3


Dark Woods Test

Dark Woods Test

Busy Busy

Been about 6 months now since I have worked on anything :/

Seriously need more time in my life.  Of course it doesn’t help that I have been playing a lot of games recently either.  Just finished up the Zelda Windwaker HD for the Wii U and I would have to say it is a kick ass remake of the original one.  Highly recommend it.  I am currently playing through Skyward Sword for the wii.  I bought this a long time ago and never really got a chance to play it.  I started the game over about a week ago and have already sunk 20 hours into it and have yet to scratch the surface of the game.  I also picked up Zelda  A link between worlds.  Playing through the first part of it has reminded me why a link to the past is probably my favorite game of all time and why I decided to recreate it.  One day I hope to find the time to sit down and start work again.  I have a lot of time invested in this and would love to see it to the end.  Biggest concern right now though is sorting through the entire project and remembering all the variables and switches and how to write the combat scripts.

New Video!!

First test of the water dungeon for the game.

Testing some new effects out as well: Stepping sound effects like water and climbing up and down ladders properly.

MAP Update

Here is a current version of the light world map.

Tilleset work

Been working on new tilesets for dark world dungeons.

Water Dungeon

Darkness Dungeon


Been over 2 months since i have posted.

I have not forgotten about my project.  it is still in full swing.  just taking some time away to enjoy some other things.

The legend of kuvo will be completed one day

you have my word 🙂

It’s that time again!

I Have gotten a lot done over the past month.

Finished all the dungeon layouts and puzzles for the light world.  The only thing that remains for them are mobs and bosses.

I have started work on the dark world now as well.  Made the tilesets for the first 2 dungeons.  and dark world itself.  even made a few maps.

It is starting to look more and more like a full blown game.  Currently there are 156 total maps in the game.

I will leave you all with a bunch of eye candy now.

Quick pic

Finished the desert dungeon.  Just need to finish populating it with mobs.

Figured I would start the next dungeon.

The tower of Hera:


Desert dungeon pic